Deliver engaging, hands-on training 

Know what to expect in advance - predictable structures,
sizing, pathologies and tissue behaviour in the models

Robotic or conventional TKA - includes hip centre, malleoli and knee landmarks, including medial osteoarthritis

Highlight the features of your implants & instruments - showcase your equipment in the most realistic manner on a life-like knee model


Provide your residents with exceptional learning opportunities

Learn the feel of the bones and soft tissues, including practicing saw techniques on our life-like cortico-cancellous bones and soft tissue tensions 

Advance the learning curve with knowledge, skills & increased confidence so residents can confidently contribute and continue to learn once in the OR 

Recover from identified errors in a safe learning environment 


For robotic or conventional arthroplasty

Trial new equipment or novel techniques between cases or after hours, anywhere. Explore variations on a consistent arthritic knee model.

A picture of a Tactile Knee on a Long Positioner.

Arthroplasty Knee - Long Positioner

Emulate the complete tactile experience of orthopaedic surgery, anywhere.