Conduct in-depth demonstrations and training with surgeons
Save on time and cost - no need for dedicated lab space, time consuming set-up, cadaveric specimens or cadaveric instruments
Highlight the features of your instruments - show what makes your products different on a reliable, realistic knee model
Guaranteed match between donor and recipient - for cartilage & meniscal transplantation
Residents develop surgical skills and confidence
Practice scoping repeatedly anywhere until competent and confident - in any setting, before or after cases, without using OR time
Learn patient positioning with hip-to-foot mechanics and a valgus post to open up the medial joint
Develop proficiency practicing procedures, working with a realistically-tight joint, fat pad and meniscal tears
Explore novel techniques efficiently and safely
Evaluate new equipment or novel techniques, between cases or after hours, anywhere. Replicate the mechanics of working with a patient's leg; open up the medial joint space for meniscal repair, or evaluate joint mechanics after ligament reconstruction.
Arthroscopy Knee - Short Positioner