Gain valuable insight through different surgical techniques

Engage in hands-on surgical exercises at your convenience.

Refine surgical techniques.

Evaluate the outcomes and benefits of any procedure.


Conduct interactive demonstrations and engage with surgeons 

Know what to expect - Realistic joint models that replicate human anatomy with consistent structures, dimensions and tissue responses.

Showcase the advantages of your products - Engage through hands-on demonstrations to show how your products set you apart from the competition

Adapt to various environments - Tactile models offer you the versatility to showcase in any environment


Offer residents valuable educational experiences 

Enable residents to practice while assessing performance of diagnostic techniques or specific procedures on models that mimic precise human anatomy

Advance the learning curve, with knowledge, skills & confidence gained before operating on patients so residents can contribute and learn more once in the OR 

Prepare for surgical challenges through practical, hands-on experience on a lifelike model

Emulate the complete tactile experience of orthopaedic surgery, anywhere.